Sunday, November 21, 2010

DNA Structure


B. Lesson Reference No: 1
C. Lesson Title: DNA STRUCTURE
D. Lesson Description:
  • The lesson makes the student to understand the chromosomal basis of inheritance and the role of DNA as a blueprint of life.
E. Learning Outcome:
At the end of the lesson the student should be able to:
  • recognize the contribution each scientist made to our understanding of DNA.
  • identify the molecules which make up DNA.
  • demonstrate the concept of complementary base pairing using DNA sequences.
  • Define the rules for helix formation in DNA.
  • Construct a model of a DNA strand of a minimum of 5 base pairs
F. Review of Previous Learning/Lesson:
Concept: Cell Division: Meiosis and Sexual Reproduction

G. Learning Presentation:
  • Learning Object 1 – Throughout history, people have speculated on the substance that carries the instructions to make life. What carries hereditary information from one generation to the next? How does it all work? Find out how these questions were answered. Follow the scientists who made the discoveries and the mistakes as they unraveled the mystery of the DNA code .DNA: The Instruction Manual for All Life
    The Structure of the DNA Molecule

  • Learning Object 2 –
  1. Look at these graphic gallery pages for images of DNA. DNA Structure (Interactive) DNA Structure
    DNA Molecule 
  2. Learn about the DNA STRUCTURE by reading and viewing images at this site. Journey to the DNA
    Introduction to DNA Structure
    DNA and proteins are key molecules of the cell nucleus
H: Learning Activity:
  • Activity 1. DNA contains the information for carrying out the activities of the cell. How this information is coded or passed from cell to cell was at one time unknown. To break the code, today you will do a paper lab to determine the structure of DNA and show how the genetic code is carried.
    Perform the activity :
    Discovering DNA
  • Activity 2 – Visit the following Site for more Activities:Build a DNA Molecule
    DNA Structure Activity
I. Learning Evaluation:
1.Learn the DNA SONG. This song is to the tune of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat." Prepare for a contest between groups
We love DNA
Made of nucleotides.
Sugar, phosphate and a base
Bonded down one side.

Adenine and thymine
Make a lovely pair.
Cytosine without guanine
Would feel very bare.
Oh-h-h, de-oxy-ri-i-bo
Nu-u-cleic acid
RNA is ri-i-bo
Nu-u-cleic acid
2.Take the quiz in this site: